This day, English Language Day comes to us from across the pond, England that is. But, I'm willing to celebrate anything that deals with words because I'm a proud word nerd.
It's the celebration of when Parliament was opened for the first time by a speech in English on October 13, 1362 instead of the customary French language. In the same Parliament, a Statute of Pleading was approved that allowed members in debate to use the English language. This made English the official language of law and law-making.
Here's how to celebrate this day;
Read a book by your favorite author. Even better still, read a book by your favorite British author. I have many of those book by British authors on my bookshelf because in getting my English Literature Degree the greater number of English classes were British Literature. I've read Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe, Beowulf, Tristram Shandy, Charles Dickens classics, George Eliot, Elizabeth Gaskell, Anthony Trollope, Thomas Hardy and more.
And right now I'm reading the book series by Barbara Taylor Bradford, Emma Harte Series. This ārags to richesā novel tells the tale of an impoverished maid
servant, Emma Harte, and her incredible journey: first of survival, then
of unimaginable achievement as the founder of one of the worldās most
successful department store chains. Book in the series (Woman of Substance, Hold the Dream, To Be The Best, Emma's Secret, Unexpected Blessings, Just Rewards, Breaking the Rules. Find more information about the book here
One of the best ways to enhance your writing is to read books and lots of them.
What book(s) are you reading? Leave a comment and share them with me.
Here's to your reading pleasure!
Who Am I
author, inspiring book writing and publishing coach Rebecca Camarena
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