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Showing posts from June, 2011

Teaser Tuesday: Seven Reasons One Should Read, Sentiments of Blue.

The subtle and unpredictable plot twists within the collection will compel a reader to move eagerly from story to story. As some stories, like ā€œSentiments of Blue,ā€ rely on irony, others, like, ā€œThe Conversion,ā€ juxtapose the typical with the unexpected.   The book is an easy read. The most contemplative reader will finish the work in no more than two days.   The collection covers a wide range of settings, from a factory, to a church, to a train ride, to a baseball park. The author takes the reader on an eclectic joy ride through time, through conflicts and through the world of his upbringing. The five reflective poems will evoke raw emotion from the readers, from the heart numbing, ā€œThe Careers of My Mother,ā€ to the comical back seat drive with the zany father in, ā€œDrives with Dad.ā€   An assortment of characters, from Little Rickey, to the Animal, to the flame throwing pitcher and head hunter named Chi-Chi Gomez, will fill your imagination with their antics and mor...

In the Aerie of the Wolf - author interview - Leonora Pruner

In the Aerie of the Wolf Join  Leonora Pruner , author of the historical gothic novel, In the Aerie of the Wolf ( Nordskog Publishing, April 2011 ), as she virtually tours the blogosphere in June on her second virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book ! About In the Aerie of the Wolf  Set in 18th century England, our heroine Anne is betrothed to a man sheā€™s never met and must leave behind her girlhood fantasies. When she arrives at the home of Lord Wolverton, Master of the Wolfā€™s Aerie, the mysteries and challenges of her new life cause her to seek Biblical wisdom and guidance concerning honor, integrity, and faithfulness. In this story of the discovery of true love, there is also danger, betrayal, and sword fightingā€”and it all takes place in a castle complete with secret passageways. Become lost in another time and place. You will not want to put this book down. Our ā€œeye gateā€ is so powerful, that we often have difficulty in detecting what lies beneath the phys...

Thursday Thirteen - Thirteen Things To Know About Julius Katz and Archie

Julius Katz and Archie Virtual Book Tour Dave Zeltserman won the 2010 Shamus Award for Julius Katz , Ellery Queenā€™s Readers Choice Award for Archieā€™s Been Framed , and is the acclaimed author of the ā€˜man out of prisonā€™ crime trilogy: Small Crimes , Pariah and Killer , where Small Crimes was named by NPR as one of the five best crime and mystery novels of 2008, and Small Crimes and Pariah (2009) were picked by the Washington Post as best books of the year. His recent The Caretaker of Lorne Field received a starred review from Publisherā€™s Weekly, calling it a ā€™superb mix of humor and horrorā€™, and was shortlisted by ALA for best horror novel of 2010. Outsourced (2011) has already been called ā€˜a small gem of crime fictionā€™ by Booklist and has been optioned by Impact Pictures and Constantin Film. His latest book is Julius Katz and Archie (Top Suspense). You can visit Daveā€™s website at . Connect with him on Facebook at

A Paranormal Thriller - The Final Victim by Larry Jukofsky - Giveway and Author's Inspiration

The Final Victim Virtual Book Tour Writing Daze has the pleasure of welcoming a debut novelist at the young age of 86 with his paranormal thriller novel, The Final Victim. About The Final Victim A victim of the holocaust rises from the grave to seek vengeance. From the death camps of Poland to the steamy shores of South Carolina, the author guides you through a macabre vampire tale of murder, intrigue, and revenge in "The Final Victim" "I was hooked on page two"   I had the pleasure of reading this book and from the first two pages it kept me on the edge of my seat. The passage that     made me jump on page 2 was  ā€œ Rudy was horrified when a bolt of lightning seemed to strike the ground quiet close to his truck. It took considerable effort to hold the wheel firmly. Through the rear view mirror he could see no flames and concluded no damage had been done to his cargo. The dead guy in back wouldnā€™t mind a jolt or two anyhow, would he?   Thinking the b...

On the Blog: Giveaway and Interview with Jessamine Rose author of Don't Let the Secret Out

Don't Let the Secret Out Virtual Book Tour About Donā€™t Let the Secret Out In this special memoir, Jessamine Rose offers readers a glimpse into her life. She was born in 1937, in a small town in eastern Kentucky. For many her upbringing will seem foreign but for some it will sound all too familiar. The family's cabin was cold, the cracks in the floor made it impossible to heat. The bathroom was an outhouse. Her father often beat her mother. Her father shot her mother to scare her. At one point the family lived under a cliff. In the hills of eastern Kentucky "you could shoot a dog and spend a year in jail, shoot a man and nothing." She faced sexual abuse, beatings, neglect and yet rose above it all. She was a mere 6 years old the first time she was raped. Her mother gave away her young brother and sister. Jassamine made her escape in the back of an ice truck, she was less than 14. She ended up living in a park in Ohio.  Her teen years werenā€™t much better suffe...