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Showing posts from September, 2010

Laugh About it Now - Fun Things That Happened During the Writing of the Novel, The Power of the Blue Medallion

About Les Berman Raised in Southern California, Les Berman earned his bachelor degree in Sociology with a minor in Math from Long Beach State University, and a Masters in Education from Pepperdine University. Currently retired from the ABC Unified School District, Les also volunteers his time coaching young track and field athletes for a private club in Long Beach California. Les has coached many International and Olympic Athletes over the past forty years, and has been selected as a United States International Coach four times throughout his career. You can find Les Berman at or About The Power of the blue Medallion This Captivating novel follows the wild adventures of three charismaticyoung aliens from the distant planet Hebutar, and their companion on Earth. Zytor, the son of the ruler of Hebutar, is determined to stop a group of terrorists from causing chaos in the United States. Against his fatherā€™s wishes...

Susie Hobson, author of Loving God With All Your Heart - Manic Monday Guest Post

About Susie Hobson Susie Hobson has a B.A. in Special Education and an M.S. in Rehabilitation Counseling from the University of Alabama. She worked as a Rehabilitation Counselor for the Alabama Dept. of Rehabilitation Services for sixteen years managing a deaf/hearing-impaired and blind/vision-impaired caseload. She retired to spend more time with her family and to write as God has called her. She and her husband Rich have two daughters. They live in Montgomery, Alabama. Christian Education classes at an online college should also be able to help you have a real and powerful connection with God. About Loving God with All Your Heart Loving God with All Your Heart is about having a real, action filled, and powerful relationship with God that overflows into great relationships with others. This book re-thinks what it takes to keep the Greatest Commandment and asks you personally to consider changing your everyday life to one more filled with love. God is love and when we love Him ...

The Bedtime of the Sky Virtual Book Tour visits As The Pages Turn

Carolyn Wolfeā€™s, author of the childrenā€™s book, ā€œThe Bedtime of the Sky and Other Sleepy-Bye Stories is on virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book will be visiting As The Pages Turn . Join this talented author as she travels the blogosphere over the next two weeks to talk about her book, the writing live and her future projects. You can find Carolyn at her website Enjoy!

Thirteen Things About The Bedtime of the Sky and Other Sleepy-Bye Stories

The Bedtime of The Sky and Other Sleepy Bye Stories is an illustrated Children's book of five of my original bedtime stories in verse. This book was actually written long ago for my nieces and nephew, John, Catherine and Elizabeth, when they were very young children. Although they are now in college, actually two have graduated, I do have a new little reader to write for, my four year old niece Jillian! I love writing poetry and fantasy stories and to mix magic with ordinary experiences. These bedtime stories in verse reflect my idea that there is magic in everyday events. For instance, I just know that there is a Dragon in the sock drawer that eats socks so we cannot find them, or that Dolls have a secret longing to help us clean up our room late at night! A little about myself, I was born in England and although my parents moved us all back to America about a year after I was born, I truly believe that the stories and British classics that I grew up with, have had a huge impact i...

Welcome to The Bedtime of the Sky Virtual Book Tour - Day 1

Carolyn Wolfeā€™s, author of the childrenā€™s book, ā€œThe Bedtime of the Sky and Other Sleepy-Bye Stories is on virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book . Join this talented author as she travels the blogosphere over the next two weeks to talk about her book, the writing live and her future projects. You can find Carolyn at her website Today, Tuesday, Carolyn will be visiting at Teresaā€™s Reading Corner with her Guest Post and Contest . Leave a comment and be entered for a chance to win a free copy of ā€œThe Bedtime of the Sky and Other Sleepy-Bye Stories.ā€ Enjoy !