About A Sarcastic Guide to Beating Breast Cancer Author Jennifer Manghisi was diagnosed with breast cancer at the very early age of twenty-four. Sitting in the doctorās office listening to the diagnosis, Jennifer and her parents were shocked. Jenniferās life had only just begun. A recent college graduate, she had only just launched her career in the fashion industry. Now, before her life had truly begun, Jennifer was faced with the prospect of losing a breast. But she was strong. Though the diagnosis was bleak, Jennifer found the strength to be grateful that the prospects were not worse. Death as a result of breast cancer is on the decline, and she was thankful for that. Even so, there is more to deal with when facing breast cancer than mortality, as Jennifer has since learned. In her motivational memoir, A Sarcastic Guide to Beating Breast Cancer, Jennifer Manghisi shares what she learned on her journey to survival. From coping with the diagnosis to managing c...