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Writing Daze Chats With Kelly Preston author of Real Dogs Don’t Whisper

Real Dogs Don't Whisper Book Tour

Our guest today is Kelly Preston, author of Real Dogs Don’t Whisper: Life Lessons from Larger Than Life Dog and His Owner. We asked Kelly where her writer’s inspiration comes from and who did she want to thank for getting her where she is today.  

Hi, allow me to introduce myself; I am Kelly Preston, author of Real Dogs Don’tWhisper, this is my first book and I am still surprised at myself that I took a vision and made it possible.  It all started one morning in December 2010, I had a “light bulb” moment that I wanted to share an incredible, rewarding journey with special need pets.  The goal was to inspire the audience that no matter what may face us, with determination, unconditional love and support from others; and, opening your heart to allow love in when not expected, amazing and priceless outcomes will occur.  

Once I determined the goal and the reason why I wanted to write this book, it took a little over a year to complete.  I can’t 

even begin to share how many times I had to go back and redo, delete, pace back and forth; and, start over again.  What I was finding that I was writing too much and it was too heavy, I needed to find a way to lighten up the content and add humor to a serious subject.  I looked at my one dog, Mr MaGoo, my spunky Lhasa Apso and knew at that point he would be my co-author.  After months of reworking the chapters, adding Mr MaGoo’s flavor, I was pleasantly surprised with the finished work. If it wasn’t for my editor, Jerry Payne, I would not be here today sharing this wonderful journey.  Thank you Jerry for believing in my book and supporting this effort.

About Kelly Preston
Kelly Preston is, first and foremost, an animal lover. Raised on a ten-acre property in a small town in Pennsylvania, she grew up with horses, rabbits, and – of course – dogs. When she left home after college, she acquired Gizmo, an irresistible Lhasa Apso that started her on a journey full of joys and sorrows, hopes and tribulations, frustrations, endless lessons in patience, and above all else, love. All of this has come at the hands (more precisely the paws) of Gizmo, Betty Boop, Buffy, Carla Mae, and the inimitable Mr. MaGoo.
Mr. MaGoois a nine-year-old Lhasa Apso and the book’s co-creator and co-writer. He is, in his own words, “the alpha and omega of all dogs – in the cutest and sparkiest, most fun-loving package ever.” Ignoring Kelly’s persistent eye-rolling, Mr. MaGoo has forged ahead with this project in an attempt to, as he puts it, “present the facts from a dog’s perspective. In other words, the correct, most accurate, most interesting, only-one-that-matters perspective,” to which he adds, simply, “Woof!”

Purchase Real Dogs Don’t Whisper at Amazon

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Real Dogs Don’t Whisper Book Excerpt
Kelly Preston and her dogs
It was at that very moment I realized Carla Mae was not just an angry, aggressive little cuss I taught to play and dance and cut loose. I saw Carla Mae for the first time as she really was—a scared puppy who learned to mistrust those around her and who learned self-preservation the only way she knew how—by biting first and asking questions later. She was a frightened little dog who eventually found a greater lesson in letting go and learning to laugh and play and yes, of course—dance. Carla Mae found unconditional love in our family and along the way, she learned to trust. Anyway, as for Dim-Bulb King, cooler heads prevailed that day and, lucky for him, his human finally dragged him away from us. But I sure learned something about my new sister that day.
Carla Mae turned out to be a competitive little tomboy and fair adversary. We love to play Kibble Attack—a game that involves her patiently planning preemptive Kibble invasions, only to be taken off guard by a MaGoo surprise maneuver, overrun and forever a close second only to me. She’s quite the copycat as well, often mimicking our moves. I’m not sure if she’s mocking us all, doing the “when in Rome thing”, or a little of both. What I do know is that I have learned to love Carla Mae and Carla Mae has learned to accept love and even try to nudge in on my petting time with the human and even with random human strangers in the house. She is loved and cared for and Carla Mae is no longer afraid... well, maybe a little afraid of King Crazy Dog, but who wouldn’t be? Other than me, of course.


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