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Pump Up Your Book! Announces Feb ‘12 Authors on Virtual Book Tours

Summary: Announcement of Pump Up Your Book! Virtual Book Tours’ list of authors for February 2012.

Spread the love in February 2012 by joining a talented and diverse group of authors, who are touring with Pump Up Your Book! Virtual Book Tours.

Follow them as they travel the blogosphere from February 6th through February 29th. There are genres for everyone: from adventure stories to romance novels, from children’s books to young adult titles, from autobiographies to political nonfiction and more!

Helping us celebrate the month dedicated to love, authors Joan Bird and K. T. Wells tour with their contemporary romance novels. Kathy Holmes is talking about her women’s fiction book, “Letters on Balboa Island,” and Charlotte Hubbard is on tour with her Amish inspirational novel, “Summer of Secrets.”

Fantasy novels come to you from Lou Aronica and Stephanie Keyes, while Karen Simpson returns with her contemporary speculative fiction book, “Acts of Grace.” Deby Eisenberg and Mitchell Maxwell tour with historical novels, and thrillers come to you from M. D. Cliatt, William Landay, Robert McCabe, Peyman Pejman, and Pamela Samuels Young.

D.B. Blackbird tours with the children’s book, “Jekyll Says…Good Deeds Cats Do, That You Should Too!” and Fiona Ingram returns with her middle grade adventure novel, “The Secret of the Sacred Scarab.” Lory Kaufman is back to share the first two books in his Verona Series, and Will Robertson tours with his comic book, “Casey and Kyle: So Much For Being On Our Best Behavior!!!”

Also on tour in February are: James R. Bottino, W.H. Buxton, Gordon Gumpertz, Abby Luby, Trish McCallan, Brian Meeks, Alicia Singleton, and J. Yinka Thomas. Best-selling author Loree Lough is talking about “Honor Redeemed” from her First Responder Series, and Robert Tillotson shares his literary comic novel, “Acts of God While on Vacation.”

In the world of nonfiction, Nicolette Dumke and Tom McLaughlin return to talk about their books, while Michael Charney shares his political offering, “Chasing Glen Beck.” Christian books come to you from Edward Mrkvicka and Dr. Michael J. Norman, and Rachel Greer returns with her poetry collection, “Words of Inspiration From Your Own Kind.” Also on tour are Selwyn Mills and his autobiography, “Confessions of a Color Blind House Painter,” and Chris Shella shares his years of experience in the legal book, “Grinding It Out: How to Build a Six-Figure Law Practice.”

Visit YouTube at to view a video trailer introducing our authors on tour in February.

Pump Up Your Book! is a virtual book tour agency for authors who want quality service at an affordable price.  More information can be found on our website at


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