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Thursday Thirteen - Thirteen Things about You Never Know: Tales of Tobias, An Accidental Lottery Winner

Thirteen Things About My Main Character
  1. Tobias Hillyer, age 20, comes home from college for winter vacation.
  2. He's bringing gifts for his mother, an alcoholic; his father, a UPS driver; and his brother, a teenage art prodigy.
  3. To keep his family from fighting, he takes them out to a restaurant.
  4. On their way home, a speeding driver hits them, killing his parents and brain-injuring his brother.
  5. Tobias drops out of college to take care of his brother.
  6. He falls in love with his brother's psychiatric nurse and they get married.
  7. Tobias is burdened by toxic guilt, even though the accident was not his fault.
  8. He works in a bookstore trying to make ends meet.
  9. And he watches his best friend, Martin, get his MBA and start working at a high-paying job.
  10. Tobias's wife becomes pregnant against his wishes -- with twins.
  11. Tobias adjusts to his new responsibilities, and then, coming home from work one day, he accidentally wins the Mega Millions jackpot.
  12. Living as a newly rich family turns out to be Tobias's biggest challenge yet.
  13. Tobias struggles to do the right thing by everybody around him; in the process, he learns what luck really means in a well-lived life.
Lilian Duval has been fascinated with lottery winners for years, and they’re the inspiration for her intriguing novel You Never Know, which explores how an ordinary man copes with terrible luck, and later, amazing luck, when he wins the Mega-Millions lottery. Her story collection, Random Acts of Kindness, will be published in 2012.
Lilian and her husband are both survivors of the 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. They live in a small house in New Jersey overlooking a large county park. She’s an amateur classical guitarist and enjoys attending concerts, plays, and movies in New York City.
Visit Lilian at her tour page at Pump Up Your Book!


  1. Thanks for taking this opportunity to discuss this, I feel fervently about this and I like learning about this college

  2. Hi Amiya, I'd be so happy if you'd read my book and tell me what you think!
    Lilian Duval


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