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Writer's Inspiration - Krista Pettiford author of Surrendered Balance

Writer's are inspired by their environment and others around them. Today, our visiting Krista Pettiford author of Surrendered Balance shares her inspiration with us of how she came up with the idea for her novel and if there was a person behind her inspiration. Grab a cup of coffee and sit with us. Be sure to click over for the giveaway during her tour. Enjoy your Friday inspiration!

About Hermina Krista Pettiford

Hermina Krista Pettiford is the women’s ministry leader in her local church - New Covenant Tabernacle located San Diego, CA where she lives with her family. She has a B. A. in Biblical Studies from Southern California Seminary. Her belief is that the Spirit of God and the Word of God work together to create dynamic power for living the Christian life, thus, she ministers with a solid Biblical message and with the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Her desire is to see women and families strengthened through God’s Word and their relationship with God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. She has written out of her own life experiences, and her gift and love of writing to and for the Lord.

You can find Krista Pettiford at her website;

You can find Krista at her tour page at Pump Up Your Book

You can find the GIVEAWAY at Reviews from the Heart

You can purchase the book at Amazon

Guest Post
Writer’s Inspiration - Where did you come up with your idea for book or novel? Was there a person that was your inspiration for this book/novel? Who would you like to thank for getting you where you are today?

Krista: Going through the series of events that led me to surrender my path and plan to God to find balance in the midst of the busyness of my daily life I realized that other women could benefit from what the Lord was teaching me. Soon after I became a Christian my life changed in more ways than one. I became a single parent of four young children, with a fulltime job, and all responsibilities of raising a family on my own. Before that I was a stay at home mother and wife with not many responsibilities. It was in that time of being a new Christian thrust into a world of work and responsibility that the seed for this book was planted in my heart.

In writing the book I chose those goals that are important to me and that I believe are important to every woman, wife, and mother. Many books address only goals within one role but not only are we wives and mothers, we are also women with hopes and dreams apart from those roles. My intent was to help women address each aspect life including caring for herself and making time for the gifts of God in her all while making sure no to neglect God or family. My desire for this book and any other book that I will every write is that it will be more than just another good story; I hope it will help people achieve goals and solve problems.

About Surrendered Balance

Do you live a fast paced and hectic life? Is your relationship with God suffering because of it? Imagine living a life of balance, in the flow of God’s will even while you’re always on the go. It is possible to flourish and have fulfillment in both your spiritual life and natural life without feeling as if you are neglecting either one. It comes by way of surrendered balance.
Hermina Krista Pettiford, in her first book connects with modern the Christian woman, giving fresh ideas and insight for balancing the responsibilities of modern-life while maintain an intimate relationship with God. In her personable style she gives practical solutions and applicable tools for women to make a life of surrendered balance no longer just a dream but a reality!

A modern Christian woman is someone who balances all of her responsibilities - family, career, friendship, ministry to others, and caring for herself all while keeping the Lord at the center of her life. If you are a modern Christian woman this book was written for you.
Proverbs 31:16 (AMP) says, “She considers a [new] field before she buys or accepts it [expanding prudently and not courting neglect of her present duties by assuming other duties]; with her savings [of time and strength] she plants fruitful vines in her vineyard.”

As modern Christian women we balance so much: time with the Lord, family, friends, work, staying fit and healthy, making time for ourselves without feeling too guilty, church and ministry.
God has a plan for each one of us that will bring about a proper balance between our spiritual and natural life. It is through the path of surrender and making time for Him that we find this plan. As we allow God to order our lives, not taking on more than we can handle or are called by Him to do, but rather, like wise women considering all of our choices in the presence of God before we proceed, our lives are bound to come into a state of surrendered balance and make room for all the needed things.

However, because of modern-day busyness, living a surrendered life and creating a constant balance is not always easy, even for those who have lived the Christian life for many years. The disciplines and principles in this book may not be new to you, but I believe the strategies and ideas will give you a fresh way of looking at how to balance your daily living as a modern Christian woman.

This book has two parts. The first part lists and discusses seven disciplines of a balanced life for the modern Christian woman. The second part is designed to help you implement these disciplines into your life without boxing you into just another system that will never work because it doesn’t fit your life. This book was written to help you keep track of your time, so that you will have time for all the needed things without getting overwhelmed.

The strategies and ideas I will share are those that God gave me when I was in a stressful time of life with more work and responsibilities than time and energy in a day. They still work for me and they will work for you if you apply them.


  1. Krista, thank you for visiting Writing Daze. I have enjoyed your book and only wish I had it all those years ago when I found myself stumbling through every day. It is especially helpful with the weekly goals for so many different parts of your life remembering to devote a little time to each one.

  2. Wow! This sounds like a book I should read. Very inspirational . Thanks Rebecca for the post. Thank you Krista, for responding to God's call to write the book.

    I wish you the very best!
    Nicole Weaver
    Trilingual Children's Author

  3. Your book sounds wonderful. Best of luck.



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