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Showing posts from May, 2011

Strawberry Fields Forever - Sweetness along the California Coast

The annual Strawberry Festival was nestled in amongst the Eucalyptus trees and acres of farmland in the city of Oxnard away from the busy 101 freeway and the snarled traffic jams.   Thousands of people enjoyed the event, May 21 and 22 in the typical California sunshine and cool ocean breezes. Live music, childrenā€™s entertainment, arts and crafts and lots of booths offered a variety of food that kept the crowds busy. The strawberry festival is a celebration of the beautiful strawberries grown in the city Oxnard and surrounding areas, 60 miles north of Hollywood. With everything coming up strawberries one didnā€™t have to go very far to find their favorite strawberry desert or drink.    Just how many ways can one eat or drink strawberries?  Read more here at The Real Hollywood , 

The City of Malibu - Stately Mansions Behind Those Brick Walls

The sign reads ā€œMalibu State Beach and Museum,ā€ but fast-moving traffic on Pacific Coast Highway does not encourage one to stop and explore the Adamson House behind the block wall ensconced in honeysuckle and bougainvillea. The Spanish hacienda built in the ā€™20s was originally the beach home of the first family of Malibuā€”Merritt Huntley Adamson and his wife Rhoda Rindge Adamson. It rests on thirteen prime coastal acres overlooking Santa Monica Bay. Mrs. Adamson was the daughter Continue reading on Great Outdoor Day #15-Malibu-Where the Surf Speaks Loudly - Los Angeles Outdoor Travel |

Have Stress Relief Now Virtual Book Tour - Writer's Inspiration and Giveaways

About Stress Relief Now Have Stress Relief Now is about helping YOU! Ever have too much to do, and not enough time? Interested in shedding a few pounds? Wonder what's the most effective way to organize both your personal and professional life? Interested in finding that someone special or improving your current relationship? If you've ever pondered on questions like these, then Have Stress Relief Now is for you. The site provides you with resources to manage your personal and professional life. Tinisha wanted to make the information she provides through this site diverse, because let's face it, everyone's problems and stress are sometimes different and unique. Thereā€™s no doubt that stress will enter your life, but how you manage it makes all the difference in the world. This site will introduce you to all types of articles, services, and products that are of high quality and have proven results. Tinisha has benefited personally from mostly all the articles, ...

Thursday Thirteen - Thirteen Things to Ask at a Ghost Hunt

About Sarah, Theyā€™re Coming for You! Restless spirits of the dead torment the living for many reasons. But the dark hunters seek one thing. It is not Godā€™s blessing, but a soul for eternity. For years, Sarah was tormented by these seekers. Each passing year they gained strength. Guided by her great great grandfather Hermann-who intercedes on her behalf-Sarah had faith, but now, she feels her faith in Hermann is slipping, and she grows spiritually weaker. When a mysterious womanā€”a link from the pastā€”enlightens Sarah of her journey everything falls into place. Sarah has a connection between her ancestral family and her own haunting from the rogue ghosts in the afterlife. They seek her in order to claim two family members with a single soul. One thing left to do for Sarah. Go to the family home in Austria and face the ghosts head on, or lose her soul forever. Thirteen Questions to Ask at a Ghost Hunt ā€¢If there is an apparition seen, does the apparition represent anyone identifiable (...

Writing Daze Shines the Spotlight on The Virgin Mary in the Light of the Word of God

Join Dr. Labib Mikhail , author of the New Testament non-fiction book , The Virgin Mary in the Light of the Word of God (Nordskog Publishing, March 2011), as he virtually tours the blogosphere in May on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book ! About Dr. Labib Mikhail Dr. Mikhail is a theologian, apologist, journalist, counselor, and television/radio, seminar, and evangelistic campaign speaker in the US and around the world. Originally from Egypt, Dr. Mikhail is a former professor of homiletics, psychology, and journalism in Faith Mission Bible College in Cairo, where he founded and pastured churches for more than thirty years. You can read more about The Virgin Mary in the Light of the Word of God and Dr. Mikhail at . About The Virgin Mary The Virgin Mary in the Light of the Word of God fills a tremendous need for a concise, elegant, Biblical treatment of Mary. Dr. Labib, as he is affectionately known, gives Mary her due full honor ...

Outdoor Fun on the Southwest Gulf of Florida by Linda Ballou - Featured in Real Travel Adventures

My very good friend, travel writer and author, Linda Ballou is featured the month of May in the online travel magazine Real Travel Adventures. A three-mile causeway from Fort Meyers across San Carlos Bay to the barrier islands of Sanibel and Captiva takes you back to a gentler time. People seem to move slower here where there are no stop signs, no street lights, and no structures over three stories. The year-round population of about 6,200 souls bulges to 20,000 in winter when snowbirds of all stripes migrate here from the frozen North. Twenty-five miles of biking trails along with a 100-mile kayaking trail called the Great Calusa Blueway, the best shelling in the world, and opportunities for sport fishing make this a great getaway for those who love the outdoors. Read the article at Real Travel Adventures Read Linda's Blog, Linda Ballou Talking to You

Have Stress Relief Now Virtual Inspirational Website Tour and Giveaways during May

Looking for something new, something to make you feel better, melt away the stress and put you on the road to being a happier healthier person; then check out this new website designed with your health benefits in mind. The creator of Have Stress Relief Now joins us today at Paperback Writer for an interview and to let us know about the free benefits and giveaway with your site membership. About Have Stress Relief Now Have Stress Relief Now is an inspirational/self-help free online membership site created in 2009 by author and freelance writer, Tinisha Johnson, who resides in Colorado with her family. It started as a blog, and has turned into a full launched website as of 2011. After a failed marriage and two small kids, Tinisha thought it best to take a new route in her life; one that involved various ways to manage stress on different levels. Stumbling upon the following three books: Unstoppable Women by Cynthia Kersey, The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, and Do...

Writer's Inspiration - Krista Pettiford author of Surrendered Balance

Writer's are inspired by their environment and others around them. Today, our visiting Krista Pettiford author of Surrendered Balance shares her inspiration with us of how she came up with the idea for her novel and if there was a person behind her inspiration. Grab a cup of coffee and sit with us. Be sure to click over for the giveaway during her tour. Enjoy your Friday inspiration! About Hermina Krista Pettiford Hermina Krista Pettiford is the womenā€™s ministry leader in her local church - New Covenant Tabernacle located San Diego, CA where she lives with her family. She has a B. A. in Biblical Studies from Southern California Seminary. Her belief is that the Spirit of God and the Word of God work together to create dynamic power for living the Christian life, thus, she ministers with a solid Biblical message and with the leading of the Holy Spirit. Her desire is to see women and families strengthened through Godā€™s Word and their relationship with God as Father, Son, and Holy Spir...