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Writing Wednesday - A Writer's Inspiration

On Wednesday, we asked our guest author Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, author of “Secrets” to provide a favorite writers quote and explain what it means to her.

"All grownups were children first
(But few of them remember it)"
“Grownups never understand anything by themselves, and it is exhausting for children to provide explanations over and over again.” From “The Little Prince”

I love these quotes as they speak the truth! Children are aware of so many things that we block out and/or forget about as we grow up. Our children try to inform us about these things but oftentimes we just don’t ‘get it’. For example, kids know how to relax and have fun. Do we? Not often enough. Kids know things on other, deeper levels also, that we often block out in our busy lives. They even recognize the spiritual aspects of life.

For example, In Secrets: You Tell Me Yours and I'll Tell You Mine...maybe, the girl knows that she needs more of a spiritual life than the family provides. She misses that they haven't attended a church. She realizes that they all need more to hold on to when her uncle dies. Finally, her dad suggests a church for them to attend. It is a beginning for the girl, but still not as fulfilling as what she needs. She recognizes that some level of depth is missing that is right for her. She doesn't know how to move forward with her needs at that point in her life, but she is definitely aware of her needs. Her poetry and songs begin to at least express her needs. She writes: "Yearnings, I'm crying out. Who will hear me? Who will care? Who will help me get To a space where I belong?...."page 121.
I hope the girl's voice in The Truth and Secrets helps bring us to a day in the history of kids growing up where grown-ups don't forget quite as much!

Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein is the originator of The Enchanted Self(R). She has been a positive psychologist in private practice and licensed in the states of New Jersey and Massachusetts since 1981. She is currently in private practice in Long Branch, New Jersey with her husband, Dr. Russell M. Holstein.

Dr. Barbara is committed to bringing to the world the techniques she develops to help people access their Enchanted Selves. These core principles and techniques have brought insight and inspiration to many. Dr. Holstein believes that no one should be denied hope or a joyful life. Yes, happiness takes work, but no more work than living a life without hope, repeating negative thoughts and habits that lead to a life that feels less than inspiring.

Her book The Enchanted Self, A Positive Therapy was published in 1997 by Harwood Academic Publishers and is now in its second printing through Brunner-Routledge. This book is Dr. Holstein's pathfinder book where she outlines the best in Positive Psychology treatment techniques, two years before the term was coined!
Her second book Recipes for Enchantment, The Secret Ingredient is YOU! received rave reviews as a wonderful inspirational story book with space to journal.
There Comes A Time In Every Woman's Life for DELIGHT is Dr. Holstein's third book. This book takes the reader on a spiritual adventure with Dr. Holstein. Reader's love this book, getting to experience first hand celebrations and adventures that rekindle their own spirit of adventure. In two versions, paperback and a CD-rom version that includes music, art, and Dr. Holstein's voice, either is sure to be a 'Delight.'

Dr. Barbara speaks regularly on radio programs around the country, and appears on television in New York and New Jersey. Many of her inspiring audio shows and podcasts can be found on the web. Her articles and stories appear on the web on hundreds of sites. She also gives lectures, seminars, and tele-classes on happiness. Listen to archives of her e-radio shows, Happiness for Women Only on her website,

Her book, The Truth, I'm Ten, I'm Smart and I Know Everything! is another first in positive psychology. A fictional book, written by a ten year old girl as a diary, Dr. Barbara has been able to imbed lots of positive truths that we all need to remember and live by, regardless of our age.

The girl's edition, titled: The Truth, (I'm a girl, I'm smart and I know everything) debuted February 2008 in bookstores nationwide.
Her newest book,is the second in The Truth Series It’s title is: SECRETS: You tell me yours, I’ll tell you mine…maybe!
This book continues the adventures of the ‘girl’ who is now 13.


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