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Showing posts from April, 2013

Christine Marmoy Announces Self-Help Book Success in High Heels 30 Day Diet Feast to Success

Christine Marmoy, founder of The Womenā€™s Edge Magazine, a publication designed by women for women and multi-published author announces the April, 2013 release of the womenā€™s self-help book, Success in {High Heels} 30 Day Diet Feast toSuccess.  Along with her co-authors, todayā€™s brightest stars in womenā€™s leadership roles, SUCCESS IN {HIGH HEELS} 30 Day Diet Feast to Success offers great ideas and sound advice from todayā€™s most accomplished women. Each chapter is a lesson, 30 in all, and each lesson will teach you an important point in business or your life. By combining traditional advice, transformational ideas that embrace beauty, brains, wisdom and practices, this 30-day feast to success will help all women reach a place they call success.    Success in {High} Heels 30 Day Diet Feast to Success brings together a variety of successful women who empower all women with their essays to realize that they can pursue their dreams. The essays cover topics fro...

Lessons Learned on the Way to the Top: A Q&A with Ron Hutchison

Ron Hutchison is the author of the YA novel ā€œVoicesof the Locusts.ā€ Writing Daze caught up with Ron recently and asked him some questions On Writing and Self-Publishing. I think youā€™ll be pleasantly surprised by his answers.  About Voices of the Locusts Sixteen-year old Jack Oā€™Brien has never known the bittersweet stint of love, and romance is the farthest thing from his mind as he and his family arrives at a remote U.S. Air Force outpost in Japan where Jackā€™s father is base commander. The year is 1948. Jackā€™s life changes after a chance encounter with Fujiko Kobaysi, a beautiful and enchanting 17-year-old Japanese girl. Jack is immediately smitten. Fujikoā€™s traditional parents are overly protective and monitor her every move, and Jack and Fujiko meet secretly at her garden, located some distance from her village. There is a good reason why Fujikoā€™s parents are so protective and Jack is devastated when Fujiko tells him that her parents have promised her in marria...

Next Year in Jerusalem Part Two ā€“ Mystery and Romance around Every Corner

Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein takes us on a journey with the characters from Part One, Natalie and Maggie. Find out what adventures continue for them in Next Year in Jerusalem: Around Every Corner, Mystery and Romance in the Holy Land: Part Two. Sharing with us is some of the ways that Dr. Barbara promotes her books. What is the first thing you did to promote your book once your publisher accepted your manuscript?  A: The first thing I did was to begin to develop a website and Facebook page just for the book.  The website is .  I have put on the page some of my videos where I introduce the subjects that show up in the novel, such as romance, travel and mysterious happenings.  I also have on the website secret notes back and forth between the two main characters, Natalie and Maggie, that don't appear in the novel.  I even have on the website some 'back' stories that happened to the characters before the novel takes p...