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Showing posts from March, 2013

Mailbox Monday - From the University

I have been as excited as a child in a candy store just waiting and waiting for this item to arrive. It took a lot of courage and effort on my part and a lot of insisting on my husband's part to finish my degree. Through marriage, childbirth, weddings, funerals, numerous jobs, seeing my husband and oldest daughter graduate from college, it was finally my turn to finish what I started shortly after high-school, oh, so many decades ago. Jobs may come and go, but no one can take this away from me; I have most certainly earned this one. It has certainly been the most challenging thing that I have done, but here it is finally; my Bachelor's Degree in English Literature from California State University, Northridge.

Healthy Bites - Too Much Television

Every week our church bulletin shares health tips for a better lifestyle and healthy living. Here is an anecdote that might indicate you are spending too much time watching television. A man and his wife were sitting in the living room when he remarked. ā€œJust for the record, I never want to live in a vegetative state   dependent on some machine. It that ever happens, just pull the plug.ā€ His wife got up an unplugged the TV set.ā€ Tip for the week; Cut out one hour of watching television and go for a walk or read a book. 

Seven Things About Dangerous Impulses

Today, I we have author F.M. Meredith visiting with us. I have had the pleasure of meeting Marilyn at the Los Angeles Times Book Festival a number of years ago. Join me as she shares seven things about her book.   1.       Dangerous Impulses is # 9 in the Rocky Bluff P.D. series. Though every mystery is complete, every crime solved and the book written as a stand-alone, things happen to the continuing characters: the police officers and their families. Rocky Bluff is a small Southern California Beach community, located between Ventura and Santa Barbara, and mostly overlooked by tourists. 2.       In every RBPD mystery/crime novel there are ongoing characters. One of the most popular with readers is Officer Gordon Butler. Nothing ever seems to go easy for him. Though he is not the ā€œstarā€ in Dangerous Impulses like he was in No Bells , I think his fans will be happy with what he ends up doing near the end of the boo...