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Showing posts from August, 2012

What's Wrong With My Computer

What's wrong with my computer All writers know how important it is to have a good working computer. Computer problems, viruses or crashes can be very frustrating.   Theyā€™re probably more annoying and harmful than car problems. When you have a problem with your car, you can easily take it to a mechanic and get same day service. Within a few hours, youā€™re back on the road again. But, what about your computer, if youā€™re not computer literate and donā€™t know whatā€™s going on with your computer you can lose vital data and files.  If your computer crashes or is infected by a virus usually, the only option is to take it to a computer place where they might have your computer for a very long time; a loaner computer might be available, but what good is that without your data.    I donā€™t know about you but my computer is like my baby and I donā€™t want to leave it anywhere. With an Indianapolis IT Support online service that provides residential computer repair , you ...

Seven Reasons Why You Should Read Voluspa

Volupsa Book Tour By Ray East and Sam D Firstly, I believe my book has a mass appeal that transcends boundaries of age and gender ā€“ it will hold the interest of even the most discerning reader. Secondly , the main character of the book Amy Benson is someone every teenage girl will be able to relate to. She has the usual age related problems like fitting in at school, body image issues, dating woes and so on. But what is inspiring about her character is how she never gives up ā€“ she fights for what she believes in, irrespective of consequences. I think itā€™s important for young girls to have women role models who are strong and are not forever waiting to be rescued by their prince charming. They possess the conviction to stand up for themselves. 

eXtasy Books and Devine Destinies Kindle Fire Giveaway!

Tina Haveman is the founder and CEO of eXtasy Books and Devine Destinies . Tina was born in Europe, left there at age eight, then traveled to several countries with her parents, to finally settle in Australia for many years. She immigrated to Canada in 1973 where she has lived since. After raising a family of five as a single mother, she finally found time to concentrate on her writing. In 2000 she started her own publishing house with a partner but became too busy with eXtasy and Devine to continue her involvement and withdrew to focus entirely on eXtasy and Devine. Tina devotes all her time to her publishing house and authors and is grateful for the success her company is experiencing. ā€œAfter many years of struggling to keep my head above water while raising five children on my own, I have much to be thankful for,ā€ said Tina. ā€œWhile the company affords me a comfortable living now and I have quite a staff aboard, I thoroughly enjoy what I do and wonā€™t stop until someone up above te...

Mind Your Own Business

Byron Katie is an author and speaker who created a powerful process called ā€œThe Work.ā€ In her first book, Loving What Is , Katie suggests that there are three types of business in the world: ā€œMy Business,ā€ ā€œYour Businessā€ (ā€œOther Peopleā€™s Businessā€), and Godā€™s Business. She points out that anytime you find yourself in ā€œOther Peopleā€™s Businessā€ or ā€œGodā€™s Business,ā€ you feel stressed. Why? Because you donā€™t have any business in ā€œOther Peopleā€™s Businessā€ or ā€œGodā€™s Business.ā€ When youā€™re in ā€œOther Peopleā€™s Business,ā€ or ā€œGodā€™s Business,ā€ you have no control and no influence. In fact, when youā€™re in ā€œOther 

Book and Small Toy Bag Giveaway ā€“ Just Bill by Barry Knister

Dogs Rule Cats Drool is giving away the book, Just Bill and a small bag of dog toys.   This giveaway ends on August 17, 2012. Check out Dogs Rule Cats Drool to enter. PLOT SUMMARY FOR  JUST BILL, a fable Following an exciting flash-forward prologue, the story begins on a May evening in Naples, Florida at the Donegal Golf and Country Club.  From outside Glenda and Cliff Gilmoreā€™s pool enclosure, four dogs watch as a grieving Glenda pours out her heart to Hotspur, her husband's border collie.  Two hours earlier, Glenda was shopping when Cliff died playing Frisbee with Hotspur.  Much younger than Cliff, and a former model, Glenda is the object of gossip and dislike among the older wives at Donegal.  The reader is next introduced to Bill and his family.  The dog is seen as both simple and sympathetic, but a certain dislike is revealed in his master's wife.  She objected when her husband brought ho...

Time Saving Tips for Writers

Writers would love to do nothing more than spend their days writing, however any writer will tell you that their day can include writing, marketing and accounting tasks. Finding ways to manage your time can be the difference between making progress and staring at the empty page. Simplifying even one of these areas frees the writer to pursue her passion.  For all accounting tasks, the website Outright gives you the ability to manage finances, bookkeeping tasks and simplifies tax time. Outright offers a free version with no monthly fee and one can upgrade at any time to Outright Plus.  Finding ways to simplify tasks that save time and money is the goal of every writer. Happy Writing!