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Showing posts from August, 2011

Seven reasons to read Voice, a novel by Joseph Garraty

1.      Itā€™s scary! For some folks, thatā€™ll be a reason not to read it. But for the rest of you, come onā€”you know you like a good scare. 2.      The main characters are, as one review put it, ā€œstrong characters who the reader can care for even when they arenā€™t on the best behavior.ā€ And, being aspiring rock stars, theyā€™re not often on their best behaviorā€¦ 3.      Itā€™s authentic. Maybe not the supernatural bits, but the behind-the-scenes look at a local rock band draws on experiences Iā€™ve had over ten years of playing guitar in local bands. You can almost smell the spilled beer and feel the jolt as the water leaking from the venueā€™s crappy roof hits the guitar amplifier and zaps the heck out of you! 4.      Itā€™s human. The characters face the kinds of choices we all face on a day-to-day basis, and they make good decisions and bad ones, just like the rest of us. 5.      There are lots...