Please, do not ask me who I am, where I come from and where my home is. Unless you're ready for a night full of stories, escapades and adventures. I have lived all around the world, I have many homes away from home, my family is spread all over the planet, and I have friends on every continent. I have spent a great deal of my years at airports, on planes and boats, in cars and on horseback. My little red suitcase is always packed and ready to go, and so is my soul. When you open my new book, Chique Secrets of Dolce Vita, you can see a heartfelt dedication that means so much to me: "This book is dedicated to my parents who raised me to love faraway journeys, gave me an open mind to discover new worlds, and taught me to respect the people that these worlds are created by." And so it is. Traveling helps you see the world through different, much more open-minded eyes. You learn to understand and respect different cultures, religions and political systems. You become less...