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Showing posts from December, 2010

Will Not Accept Electronic Submissions by Thomas White author of Justice Rules

About Tom White Tom began his career as an actor, which lead to a degree from the United States International University School of Performing arts in San Diego. A Cum Laude graduate, Tom was also named to "Who's Who In American Colleges and Universities. He immediately hit the road and spent several seasons touring across the country with various shows, working as an actor, tech director, stage manager, scenic designer, lighting designer, sound designer and finally a director. Several years later Tom found himself as an Artistic Director for a theatre in Los Angeles and the winner of several Drama-Logue and Critics awards for directing. As Tom's career grew he ended up doing bigger and bigger projects in the theatre world. He directed and co-produced the world tour of "The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Coming Out Of Their Shells". The show toured for over two years, was translated into seven different languages and seen by close to a million children. Justice Rul...

Whatā€™s on your To Do List for Monday! M.M Bennett Author of Honest Fame Shares Her List

Manic Monday and the start of a new week and I can hear everyone cringe with less than enthusiasm. Today, we asked our visiting author, M.M. Bennett whatā€™s on her To Do List for Monday to inspire and get us started on our week. If I had her schedule, ā€œriding horses in the morningā€ I wouldnā€™t have the slightest hesitation to starting my week. The rest will surprise you. Keep reading! About Of Honest Fame On a summer night in 1812, a boy sets fire to a house in Paris before escaping over the rooftops. Carrying vital intelligence about Napoleonā€™s Russian campaign, he heads for England. But landing in Kent, he is beaten almost to death. The Foreign Secretary, Lord Castlereagh, is desperate for the boyā€™s information. He is even more desperate, however, to track down the boyā€™s assailant ā€“ a sadistic French agent who knows far too much about Castlereaghā€™s intelligence network. Captain George Shuster is a veteran of the Peninsula, an aide-de-camp to Wellington, now recalled from the continent ...

Friday Five - Five Things that Happened During the Writing of God's of the Machines

Friday is always a fun day at Writing Daze. Our visiting author for today is Gary Starta author of Godā€™s of the Machines and he shares with us the Five Fun Things that Happened to him during the course of writing and publishing his novel. About Godā€™s of the Machines Detective Sam Benson, a native New Yorker, is brash, opinionated and candid. Transplanted to work on Earthā€™s first colonized planet, he envisions a relatively peaceful job. But Bensonā€™s ruthless nature might bring it to the brink of annihilation when a series of murders begins. He suspects a non-human is responsibleā€”an android who once shared engrams with a psychopathic human. However, the detective doesnā€™t know other non-humans once called his new worldā€”theirs. And as Benson obsesses with making a case against the android, he is oblivious to their return and the reason why they consider machines to be their gods. Friday Five 1 ā€“ The novel Gods of the Machines is actually a spin off or sequel to a novel called What are you ...

My Motivation for the Labor of Love to Write ā€œFinding God: To Believe or Not To Believeā€

About Finding God: To Believe or Not to Believe Do you believe in God, life after death, or nothingness? Do you know the origins of the Bibleā€™s New Testament? This book explores the world of science, religion, and atheism and integrates them into the aspects of Twentieth and Twenty-first Century physics. It ponders life and death experiences and includes the authorā€™s own near death experience. Posing many questions about the realm of our existence, it stresses the importance of promoting humanity without exclusionary elements of human prejudice. These and many other contemporary issues are combined with the latest scientific and philosophic theories in the search for real truth of subjects that have brought down entire empires in bloodlust, and have each of us pondering the eternal ā€œWhy?ā€ We are in the second century since the collision of science and religion. One is based in empirical evidence; the other is based on thousands of years of pure faith. Hang on as your perfectly ordered ...

Wednesday ā€“ A Writer's Words - Falling Forward by Bronwyn Storm

Falling Forward ā€“ Bronwyn Storm John Vorhaus was a writer for the television show The Wonder Years. If you ever watched the program, saw the character interactions and cheered at the genius dialog, then youā€™ll know why heā€™s a favorite writer of mine. He also wrote a book called The Comic Toolbox: How to be Funny, Even if Youā€™re Not, and from the book is (one of) my favorite quotes: ā€œFalling flat on your face is still moving forward.ā€ Iā€™m woman enough to admit I swooned at that quoteā€”and not because Iā€™m hypoglycemic and had waited too long to eat (and it wasnā€™t ā€™cause I read the quote, leapt to my feet in delight, and the rapid change in blood pressure left me light-headed.). Nope, I swooned ā€™cause itā€™s a damn good quote. Okayā€¦so it took me a minute to realize he wasnā€™t admitting to being a klutz, and we wouldnā€™t meet one day over coffee at the Clumsy Clinic (off fourth and main, if youā€™re wondering), where we would exchange stories and compare scars. Still, the quote held me in its pro...