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Showing posts from May, 2010

Do I Dare Disturb the Universe - Writers Bringing about Change Through the Written Word

Do I dare, disturb the universe? T.S. Eliot, poet and writer Learning is always something that is expected in school, but what we remember after the class is over is what we learn. I have learned after finishing the second semester at the University, that after all the poems fade from memory and the stories jumble into words, is that change is an integral part of life and one cannot be resistant to change. Authors, writers and poets put themselves on the front lines of literature and wrote in new directions throughout the centuries creating new material for their audiences demand. It is their words in prose that will live on for generations.

Wednedsay - A Writer's Words - Write What You Know - by Katie Salidas, author of Immortalis Carpe Noctem

A writer is all about words and guest author Katie Salidas, author of Immortalis Carpe Noctem is visiting today on her virtaul book tour with Pump Up Your Book. She is sharing with us a favorite writers quote and if it ties into the inspiration for her book? "Write What You Know" Katie: I think everyone has heard the quote ā€œwrite what you know.ā€ Itā€™s probably one of the first things we as writers are taught. It makes sense too. You should be knowledgeable in the things that you are writing but that doesnā€™t mean you cannot write what you are not completely familiar with. I write about vampires. Iā€™ve never been one so I cannot write them from experience. What I can do, though, is take things and experiences I do know and translate them to the characters I create. For instance, when writing Immortalis, I needed to describe bloodlust. What is bloodlust? Again, not being a vampire I have no real basis of comparison, but I do know a few other things that might come close. Iā€™ve st...

Invasion of the Baby Daddy - author interview - Dr. John Bell

ABOUT THE BOOK: EVERY UNWED MOTHERā€™S NIGHTMARE COMES TO LIFE IN THE PAGES OF INVASION OF THE BABY DADDY, a compelling and moving debut novel that echoes the emotional and cerebral frustrations of unwed mothers throughout the ages. Its unforgettable characters and authentic story line are interwoven with current and real facts about the volume of unwed mothers in our society today. In the story, Dr. Sands believes he has found his perfect mate only to discover that she is pregnant from a previous relationship. Not fully aware of the ramifications of this colossal news, Dr. Sands and Rachel date via long distance during her pregnancy and ultimately decide to get married. In order to make a life together, Rachel must move to Tennessee to start a new life with her husband. But the Baby Daddy has other plans for them. Determined to make this marriage work, Dr. Sands goes to extraordinary lengths to try and negotiate with the Baby Daddy. Brimming with honesty from the author s own experience...

Manic Monday - Writing is 24/7 by Author Gary Morgenstein, author of Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Itā€™s Manic Monday at Writing Daze and time to begin another week of finding or taking the time to write. Writing Daze had a chance to ask Gary Morgenstein, author of the political thriller Take Me Out to the Ballgame about his writing day. Gary is on virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book. Writing is 24/7. Every writer lives and breathes his craft every moment heā€™s awake, whether scribbling or not. The essential element of all writing is observing and processing and, well, spewing it all out in some altered form reflecting your creative DNA. Now this gets you into trouble in a number of ways. First of all, the preponderance of writers has ā€œotherā€ jobs. I donā€™t want to call them ā€œrealā€ jobs. So not only are we juggling writing with paying the rent, but we are also juggling writing with just how far we should go in writing about other peopleā€™s lives. There is the question, of course, how much a writer can borrow/steal/intrude from reality. I think a writer must always remember that the...