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Donā€™t Let Perfection and Procrastination Steal Your Writing Success

ā€œWriting happens when you stay consistent and keep encouraging yourself that itā€™s okay to put words on the page.ā€   - Rebecca Camarena, author   Youā€™ve started your book and youā€™ve written a few pages. Youā€™re on a roll and when you stop for the day you promise to write daily. But the next thing you know you havenā€™t written in days. When you start writing each time you type a sentence, your inner editor cringes. Youā€™re terrified youā€™re going to write something dreadful, so you donā€™t write anything. You stare at the blank page. You may have even started to question whether you should be writing a book at all. In your mind you wrote something great that first day and you consider yourself a great writer. Writers have this image of the literary greats sitting at their typewriters banging out their stories. You think they sit down and keep writing from the first page to the last. Since you want to emulate them you feel that you have to be perfect each time you write. If...
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Enhance Your Writing By Reading a Book

This day, English Language Day comes to us from across the pond, England that is. But, I'm willing to celebrate anything that deals with words because  I'm a proud word nerd.  It's the celebration of when Parliament was opened for the first time by a speech in English on October 13, 1362 instead of the customary French language. In the same Parliament, a Statute of Pleading was approved that allowed members in debate to use the English language. This made English the official language of law and law-making. Here's how to celebrate this day;  Read a book by your favorite author. Even better still, read a book by your favorite British author. I have many of those book by British authors on my bookshelf because in getting my English Literature Degree the greater number of English classes were British Literature. I've read Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe, Beowulf, Tristram Shandy, Charles Dickens classics, George Eliot, Elizabeth Gaskell, Anthony Trollope, Thomas Hard...

Learn to Squash Your Writing Fears

Youā€™ve dreamed of writing a book. You want to be known as the author of ā€¦ Youā€™ve had it on your to-do-list for years. And yet ā€¦nothing. Itā€™s not that you donā€™t recognize the benefits of a published book to your credit itā€™s that youā€™re afraid to get started because of the following; Youā€™re scared to death to put yourself out there. Youā€™re afraid of the critics and family and friends and what theyā€™ll think. Youā€™re afraid theyā€™ll laugh at you or worse. You silently wonder, ā€œCan I really do this?ā€   If youā€™re nodding along in agreement, know this; No matter where you are right now itā€™s possible to break down these fears. First, realize that critics will always be there however, just as many if not more people will be your biggest fans. And your loyal readers are the ones who will buy your books and recommend you to their friends. Write for them. Write for you. Write for the fun of it. Writing sharpens your mind. And the joy of creating something canā€™t be taken away from y...

A Decade as a Book Writing and Publishing Coach

  I made the solemn promise to never return to Corporate America. On the day they gave me my walking papers in January, 2010 I devoted my time to building my already small PR business. I had been working with clients for 3 years already so I contacted everyone I knew and within two weeks I had a full schedule of PR clients, editing, writing, ghostwriting, and speaking. At the same time I was finishing up my Bachelor degree in English Literature.  I haven't look back in 12 years. Only kept my eyes on the road in front of me.  Through the years I've added book publishing to my services, coaching, time management packages and publishing my own women's anthology, Out of My Comfort Zone: Stories of Courage, Perseverance and Victory.  I'm now expanding to add more book marketing/launching services since they both are a vital component with publishing. Next up would be courses for authors.  It's been an exciting decade plus, long hours, wonderful clients, great testimo...

How a Writing Challenge Benefits You

Who doesn't love a writing challenge? We can set all the goals we want and time block them on our calendar. But who are we kidding, right? It's so easy to push off those goals to another day or time when there's no deadline. However, when you're reporting on your progress it tends to make us more focused and get down to producing results, building relationships, get more traffic to your blog or website, brainstorm great ideas for your next blog post or book in addition to promoting your blog or website.  Whether it's a week, a month or longer challenges can be energizing and bring a renewed sense of passion back to our writing.  Who Am I I'm author, inspiring book writing and publishing coach Rebecca Camarena and I would love to connect further with you to help you achieve your goals. I have helped in all aspects of book writing; from vision to concept to writing and publishing. If you are interested in taking the next step to publishing, please take a look at m...

National Punctuation Day September 24 - how to celebrate

I have a confession to make. I'm a grammar nerd. I love grammar and punctuation and diagramming sentences. I always have since the fifth grade when Sister Mary Brigett (Catholic school) taught grammar. I am thrilled that today is National Punctuation Day.  However, I'm sad to see text messages that shorten words, don't have much punctuation and really seem to dumb down the language. We need to put into use those periods, apostrophes, question marks, colons, semi-colons and exclamation points. What better way to celebrate punctuation than by using it.  write out an error-free email or text using punctuation with full sentences go back through your work in progress (WIP) and look for places where you can add or delete punctuation.  read a classic and identify the different punctuation marks  try using every type of punctuation throughout the day   If you're writing a book you should be aware of all the punctuation marks and how they're used. If you need a refreshe...