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Showing posts from December, 2014

Adelita’s Secret Virtual Book Tour

Adelita's Secret Rebecca is pleased to bring you Christopher Cloud’s young adult fantasy romance novel, Adelita’s Secret. About Adelita’s Secret    Lost in a superficial world of materialism and social status—and ashamed of her Latino heritage—seventeen-year-old Adelita Noé is loved by two men, two men separated by a hundred years and vastly different stations in life. One man owns little more than the shirt on his back. The other, a poet at heart, is heir to a vast fortune. Their love for Adelita serves as the backdrop for the Latino girl’s quest to better understand herself and her Mexican roots. Adelita’s Secret tells the story of a teenage Latino girl who has lost her moral compass. She is ashamed of her Mexican heritage. Quite by accident, she finds a diary written by her great grandmother. The diary provides a portal for Adelita to travel back in time. She finds herself immersed in the Mexican War of 1910, a war pitting Mexican farmers against the ...

See What Reviewers Have to Say about The Book of Zev

The Book of Zev Book Tour    The Book of Zev is a political thriller that tells the story of two gentle people who change the course of history. Zev Bronfman, a strapping 32-year old-virgin, angry atheist, refugee from a religious Jewish life, and former engineer for the U.S. Patent Office in Alexandria, Virginia, drives a cab and sleeps around in New York City. After a bitter divorce, Sarah Hirshbaum, a beautiful, redheaded, depressed, God-hating kosher chef, seesaws between yoga and too much red wine. Independently, the two consult the same psychic who inadvertently sends Sarah Zev’s session tape. When Sarah contacts Zev to pick up the recording, a series of events forces them to connect with a powerful terrorist in order to thwart his plans to destroy the UN and Israel. Click here to read an Excerpt of The Book of Zev   Pre-order from Amazon   See What Reviewers Have to Say  Part wish-fulfillment romantic comedy, part edge-of-your...

The Things That Go Into The Making of A Story

About The Unholy   "A young curandera, a medicine woman, intent on uncovering the secrets of her past is forced into a life-and-death battle against an evil Archbishop. Set in the mystic land of Aztlan, the Unholy is a novel of destiny as healer and slayer. native lore of dreams and visions, shape changing, and natural magic work to spin a neo-gothic web in which sadness and mystery lure the unsuspecting into a twilight realm of discovery and decision."    Why I Wrote This Book Writing The Unholy was motivated by my work treating survivors of the dark side of religion for over thirty years.   The dark side of religion generates a shame-based spirituality, and when people experience the dark side of religion their unconscious minds are profoundly violated. Rather than writing a self-help book for people who have encountered the dark side of religion, I decided to write a novel because images and symbols in fiction affect the unconscious mind in ways th...