ABOUT R.H. RAMSEY Rhonda Ramsey is a prolific new author who enjoys breathing passion and life into each and every character she creates. She is an avid writer with eleven completed novels, four novels near completion, and five short stories. She is also a military wife, mother of two, and student. Over the course of seven years, Rhonda has diligently researched topics ranging from but not limited to; relationships, addiction, abuse, and mental illness. With a passion for people, helping, and learning, Rhondaās zeal for inspiring others through her writing has also expanded to freelance writing and blogging; as she has her own blog, and enjoys contributing to other websites as well. She hopes to continue in her quest of inspiring others as well as learning from everyone she meets. Her latest book is Just Beneath the Surface I. Visit her blog at w ww.arirjames.wordpress.com . ABOUT JUST BENEATH THE SURFACE When Kendall Berkely takes a look in the m...
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