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Showing posts from March, 2011

Larry Peterson Unveils His Childrenā€™s Book, Slippery Willieā€™s Stupid Ugly Shoes

Writing Daze has the pleasure of spotlighting childrenā€™s author Larry Peterson with his first childrenā€™s book, Slippery Willieā€™s Stupid Ugly Shoes. Larry is on virtual book tour with Tribute Books during the month of March. Slippery Willie Synopsis: Willie Wiggles hates his slippery feet. He just slips, slides and spins all over the place. But what he hates even more are the special shoes that have been made for him that will help him to walk just like all the other kids. Willie thinks that they are the "stupidest, ugliest shoes in the whole world." Discover how sometimes we worry about things about ourselves when actually there is nothing to worry about in the first place. About Larry Peterson Larry Peterson was born and raised in the Bronx, New York. As a freelancer, he has written many newspaper columns for local publications. Slippery Willie's Stupid, Ugly Shoes is his first childrenā€™s book. Peterson has lived in Pinellas Park, Florida for the past 28 years. Buy links...

13 Facts about Chasing Zebras: The Unofficial Guide to House, M.D.

1. Newbies and knowledgeable fans alike can enjoy Chasing Zebras. Itā€™s part episode guide and (large) part between the lines exploration of TVā€™s most fascinating character and his universe: the ā€œHouse-verse.ā€ 2. The character of Dr. Gregory House (Hugh Laurie) is loosely based on Sherlock Holmes (as you might know). But you may not have known that writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who created Sherlock Holmes was also doctor. His mentor was the very House-like Dr. Joseph Bell! (Bellā€™s medical text On Surgery makes a guest appearance in the season five episode ā€œA Wonderful Lieā€). Chasing Zebras: The Unofficial Guide to House M.D. explores this connection in ā€œFinding a Holmes in the House: An Interview with a House-Loving Holmesian.ā€ 3. Hugh Laurie composed the beautiful, evocative piano piece that plays over the closing scenes of season fiveā€™s ā€œUnfaithful.ā€ The piece is appropriately titled ā€œCuddyā€™s Serenade.ā€ In fact, the music plays a big part in many of the series episodes as you can dis...

Friday Five - Five Fun Things about FINAL VECTOR

About Final Vector Air traffic controller Nick Jensenā€™s life is in a shambles. His wife Lisa has died following a horrific automobile wreck and the authorities suspect foul play. He finds evidence suggesting Lisa, a Pentagon auditor, had discovered potentially treasonous material on a fellow employeeā€™s computer, a man who also winds up dead. Desperate to escape the pain, Nick throws himself into his work and is on duty at the radar ATC facility serving Bostonā€™s Logan Airport on the night U.S. President Robert Cartwright is scheduled to fly into Boston. Armed terrorists storm the facility, killing the security staff and taking Nickā€™s fellow controller hostage as he works. Nick escapes capture, but with time running out, must use the information from his murdered wife to unravel the terroristsā€™ plot and stop an assassination while outnumbered, unarmed and on the runā€¦ Follow Alan Leverone at Friday Five ā€“ Five Fun Things About Final Vector Thing #1 - Iā€™ve bee...

New Book for Review: Surrendered Balance; Daily Living for the Modern Christian Woman

Hermina Krista Pettiford is touring in May with Pump Up Your Book , with her inspirational, devotional, self-help book for the Christian Woman. Do you live a fast paced and hectic life? Is your relationship with God suffering because of it? Imagine living a life of balance, in the flow of Godā€™s will even while youā€™re always on the go. It is possible to flourish and have fulfillment in both your spiritual life and natural life without feeling as if you are neglecting either one. It comes by way of surrendered balance. A modern Christian woman is someone who balances all of her responsibilities - family, career, friendship, ministry to others, and caring for herself all while keeping the Lord at the center of her life. If you are a Christian woman this book Surrendered Balance; Daily Living for the Modern Christian Woman was written for you. You can purchase Surrendered Balance; Daily Living for the Modern Christian Woman at Amazon Please email Rebecca (me)at Rebecca(dot)camarena(@)yaho...

Against All Odds by John Milton Langdon

About John Milton Langdon John Milton Langdon is a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers and has a masterā€™s degree in maritime civil engineering. Langdon retired and became a professional writer after an active and rewarding engineering career. Initially he worked in Britain but from 1972 until 2008, he dealt with project development in Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Nigeria. Langdon lives in the Austrian town of Klagenfurt which has a history stretching back to mediaeval times. Langdon has three children and five grandchildren from his first marriage and two step sons from the second. Langdon has many interests including travel, the British canals, music and literature but hiking in the mountains surrounding his home is a preferred leisure activity. Johnā€™s latest book is a historical fiction titled Against All Odds (Tate Publishing). You can visit John Milton Langdonā€™s website at . Buy the book at Amazon About Against A...