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Showing posts from February, 2011

Inspiration Tuesday ā€“ Inspiration From One Author to Another

About Pairs Pairs, written by D. W. Richards is the story of Kayley and Adam, a single mom who makes her living writing greeting cards and a young carpenter; and Alexandra and Henry, a former stripper with dual identities and a math teacher with some unusual gender issues. The couples are connected through Henry and Adam, who are cousins, and through Kayleyā€™s friend Helen, who is also Henryā€™s step-sister. As each couple builds a connection, the joint friendship turns into family. Kayleyā€™s daughter, Terra, becomes a central focus of both relationships; she is loved and nurtured by the village that the couples create. With the tightening of the bond between the couples, the mission for the pairsā€”which begins and ends with Kayleyā€”turns to parenthood for Henry and Alexandra. The story weaves the elements of past sexual abuse, sexual dysfunction, problem pregnancies, and absolute devotion to family into a plot that draws the reader into the lives of these very unconventional characters Who ...

My Perfect Writing Companion - Spencer the Dog

Today, I'm guest posting at Grouchy Puppy with my personal essay about life with my perfect writing companion - Spencer the dog. Think Spencer is the perfect companion, think again, he makes Marley the dog seem like a calm relaxed poodle. Find out if I actually get any writing done at Grouchy Puppy . Enjoy!

My Valentine Story - A Chance to Love One More

Happy Valentine's Day! My short story, "A Chance to Love One More" about the tenderness of love and heartbreak is being featured at Cafe of Dreams. Feel free to leave a comment at Cafe of Dreams. Enjoy!

Wordless Wednesday - February is Dolphin Love Month

Swim with the dolphins during February