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Next Year in Jerusalem Part Two – Mystery and Romance around Every Corner

Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein takes us on a journey with the characters from Part One, Natalie and Maggie. Find out what adventures continue for them in Next Year in Jerusalem: Around Every Corner, Mystery and Romance in the Holy Land: Part Two. Sharing with us is some of the ways that Dr. Barbara promotes her books.

What is the first thing you did to promote your book once your publisher accepted your manuscript?

 A: The first thing I did was to begin to develop a website and Facebook page just for the book.  The website is  I have put on the page some of my videos where I introduce the subjects that show up in the novel, such as romance, travel and mysterious happenings.  I also have on the website secret notes back and forth between the two main characters, Natalie and Maggie, that don't appear in the novel.  I even have on the website some 'back' stories that happened to the characters before the novel takes place.  The Facebook page is Next Year in Jerusalem and has a lot of material and related links about women's issues.

If you had to pick just one book marketing tool that you’ve used to promote your book, which would you say has been the most effective?
 A: That is very hard to say.  I think video as people love to watch short videos and I can get a quick message out.  You Tube has made that aspect of marketing wonderful.  My video channel for the book is NextYear in Jerusalem.

Do you do more promoting online or offline and which do you prefer?

A: I definitely promote more online rather than off line.  I do have a publicist, Susan Belfer, for local publicity and engagements.  However, to do things like mailing a newsletter which I have done in the past, or even a postcard, is just too costly in today's world.  Also, people don't go to their snail mail in the same was as the past to look for a new book or related workshop.
Do you use social networks such as Twitter and Facebook to promote your books and have you had any success with it?

A:I use both of them, but truthfully have no way of gauging whether any sales of following has come from using them.  I wish I could calculate that!

About Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein
Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein is a positive psychologist in private practice. In the course of working with her clients, she originated the idea of THE ENCHANTED SELF(R), a positive psychology therapy where people learn how to recognize and utilize their strengths, talents, skills and lost potential. She has developed a number of methods, including using our memories to rediscover what is right about ourselves and our lives, rather than what went wrong, helping people to overcome adversity, experience positive emotions and live the good life!

Since developing this concept, she has brought tools Enchanted Self tools to everyone, particularly women and girls. Dr. Holstein has written many books on the topic, starting with
THE ENCHANTED SELF, A Positive Therapy, and for girls, The Truth (I'm a girl, I'm smart and I know everything).  Her latest book, Next Year in Jerusalem, Romance, Mystery & Spiritual Awakenings, Part 1, continues to combine psychological issues and solutions with exciting, romantic and mysterious fiction. 



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